Statement of Faith

Based on the Five Marks of Mission


  1. We proclaim our faith in Jesus as Lord. This faith is both firmly rooted in the Bible and open to new insights and understandings.
  2. We believe that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is for the whole of life. It equips us for mission and witness, and strengthens us to confront evil.
  3. We rejoice at the goodness of God’s creation but are saddened and ashamed at injustice, discrimination, violence and pollution. We are committed to working for economic, social and political solutions.
  4. We believe that the gifts of men and women should be fully affirmed and equally used, in the church and in the world.
  5. We affirm our hope in the future, living out our faith in a positive spirit, which is open and critical. We seek to overcome inertia, apathy and bigotry. We look for the coming of God’s kingdom.