Open Synod Group
Open Synod Group accepts everyone and is OPEN TO ALL.
We have members across the range of traditions of the C of E. Membership is available to anyone who attends the C of E or supports the C of E.
Open Synod helps to foster links among people with different theological backgrounds.
At times General Synod can be hard – there are often difficult subjects that need to be discussed. This can cause division and upset. The Open Synod Group provides a safe space for mutual flourishing where differences can be put aside.
We arrange for independent speakers to address the Group and hold social events during Synod that allow people to meet and relax. Mixing people from different areas is encouraged, but not demanded, and we meet in the spirit of love and understanding.
This site is for everybody, not just members of General Synod. Please recommend us to others in the Church and outside if you feel our content may be of interest or use to them.
Feel free to quote from our newsletters and General Synod reports in Parish newsletters and magazines or in correspondence with local or national journals.